My favorite spot in New Orleans' Bywater neighborhood: Satsuma Coffee

Coffee Shopping at Bywater’s Satsuma Cafe

Joe and I have always loved working from coffee shops. When we first arrived in New York City in 2010, coffee shopping over the weekends became our favorite way to explore new neighborhoods — that and uncovering the best dollar slice spots. Sometimes we’d bring a book and read. Sometimes we’d catch up on work. […]

Planning Our Digital Nomad Path in 2018

My 2017 goal has been to enjoy living with the unknown, rather than jumping to solve for it. I wanted our nomadic adventure to push us to exist in the now. I wanted us to take a breath, look around, and go in whatever direction we see fit. Doing so is a challenge. I’m a […]

Exploring Nashville, the Slow Way

Now that we’re a solid four months into our digital nomad adventure — we’re working remotely and visiting a new city every month or so — we’ve learned a few key lessons in how to best approach this adventure of ours. One of the biggest learnings is that, to us, our concept of ‘balance’ will shift with […]